Category Archives: Cases
I want to share a recent ED case that got me thinking. CASE: 38F with alcoholic use disorder presenting with a mildly tender but very distended abdomen. I put the probe on her and see this… The diagnosis was not hard. I expected to see ascites but her LUQ view puzzled me. What am I […]
I want to talk about a case that I picked up in the rapid assessment area of my emergency department where geography, as it turned out, was not destiny. It was not as glamourous as a challenging airway or as exciting as a pediatric resuscitation and yet it is one that has stuck with me […]
It is not uncommon to get all excited when seeing shadows of foreign body in the chambers of the heart. Common causes are usually thrombus and vegetations but is it always true? We present a case of a 70 years of gentleman who presents with generalised weakness for 2 to 3 days and hypotension. He […]