Category Archives: Abdomen
Here’s the final section of a 2-part series on some PoCUS pearls learned along my 1 year fellowship. 5. Trust the gut. This year, I’ve seen multiple presentations of cholecystitis. Let’s take a look at a slam dunk diagnosis. The following is a patient who presented with RUQ pain, vomiting, fever:
I’ve just wrapped up a phenomenal year of POCUS learning and thought I would share some of my cases and accompanying pearls. This is a two-part series. Here are the first 4 take home points, in no particular order. 1. Compare sides. I was early into my fellowship when a colleague pulled me aside to […]
63yo M c/o severe abdominal pain that awoke him from sleep at 0600. Presented to ED at 1200 c/o lower abdominal pain. Triage nurse noted patient to be slightly pale so placed the patient into the resuscitation room. +Nausea, no vomiting; no back pain; no chest pain; no SOB; no travel. O/E: BP: 185/79, HR: […]