Category Archives: Cases
THE CASE A 63 year-old lady fell outdoors after she was pulled over by her very bad dog. Apparently there was a squirrel. She fell on her right side and her efforts to save her Starbucks landed her directly on her elbow. Thanks to 4-point limb contact the dog stayed upright, the squirrel is still […]
Ever feel frustrated with your eye exam? Confused by the slit lamp and even more distressed at the thought of doing fundoscopy? Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) is taking over emergency medicine and improving your eye exam is another area where it can help. Actually the eye is an ideal structure for viewing with ultrasound since it […]
Case: A 66 year-old man presented with 2 weeks of increasing cough, generalized weakness, and decreased oral intake. He has a past medical history of a tonsillar squamous cell carcinoma for which he had received both chemo and radiation therapy. His last treatment was months prior. He was followed by the palliative care service who […]